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(Analysis of Social Networks & Group Dynamics from Electronic Communication)
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Текущая версия на 00:04, 19 января 2012

Creating Dynamic Groups using Context-awareness

Общефилософская мура. Просто смотрели на идею — девайсы автоматически. по контексту занятий пользователя (кейсы «старушка» и «подросток») соединяют его с соответствующей группой людей (метафора «комната»). Важный момент — группы не создаются автоматически. «Только человек есть мера всех вещей» — группы, степень конфиденциальности и т.п. — выбирает только сам участник (или участники, в случае, когда в группу можно приводить своих). Т.е. «динамика» тут состоит в смене групп, в зависимости от контекста.

Dynamic Group Generation based on Interests

Стостраничный технический диплом мексиканца, обучающегося в Германии. Чисто инженерия — как на джабберном XMPP-протоколе и Андроид-телефонах устроить общение групп (типа туристов). Сами подходы к формированию групп у него чужие, и обычно в виде кейса «предложить друга».

  • Сначала надо категоризовать все контакты.
  • Строится граф (связи вытаскиваю
  • Формируются кластеры с учетом категоризации («коллеги», «друзья»). Типа это так элементарно, — показан простейший граф и цитата «Other overlapping clusters are also evident, these clusters represent relations such as family or sports team.».
  • Система при создании группы, на основе членства в кластерах начинает предлагать, и учитывая реакцию пользователя адаптировать свое представление о кластерах.

рекомендации внутри существующего контакт листа, но основанные на активности контактов (звонков и сообщений), и в соответствии с этим выстраивающим ранг внутри существующего контакт-листа (понятное дело, новых брать неоткуда).

вообще нет рекомендаций, есть только разные вспомогательные «знаки» — где юзер находится, как долго, в каком он состоянии, как долго с ним общались и т.п..
«Do you know» и SONAR[4]
штука интересная, для крупных организаций, анализирует и организационную структуру и совместную работу над документами и статьями.
Визуализация твиттер-окружения.

Вывод — все невнятно, особой математики нет, все зависит от того, что есть (данные и мощности), и лишь бы как-то работало.

«During the search for reference materials and similar works, there was no system found in direct competition for dynamic group creation.»

«There are some proprietary dynamic group creation systems implemented for social networking sites, but because of their closed nature an in depth analysis is not ac- cessible. One item that was consistent between many of the works is that within the development process the conceptual part had more of an impact than the technical part.» There are some proprietary dynamic group creation systems implemented for social networking sites, but because of their closed nature an in depth analysis is not ac- cessible. One item that was consistent between many of the works is that within the development process the conceptual part had more of an impact than the technical part.

Сам автор занимается инженерией (стеки, протоколы, архитектура), спрятав собственно само формирование группы в неких «рекомендательных сервисах» (c тонкостями, типа «сервис стандартизации» и т.п.).

Flocks: Enabling Dynamic Group Interactions in Mobile Social Networking Applications

Подход не user-centric. Вводится понятие «стай», определяемых неявно. В некий специальный фреймворк заводится определение стаи, через характеристическую функцию-предикат

isNearby(user)  ⇔  currentlocation − user.location < 20m
likesBadminton(user)  ⇔  isCompliant(badminton∈ user.hobbies)

Ну и фреймворк автоматически отслеживает по информации с мобильного телефона и формирует эти стаи.

Visual Analysis of Dynamic Group Membership in Temporal Social Networks


Визуализация эволюции «общих групп» для выбранной пары участников. Вообще никаким боком к нашим темам. До сих пор ни софт, ни даже скринкаст не выложен.

Profile Management for Dynamic Groups

Развитие «Creating Dynamic Groups using Context-awareness», социализация хронических больних на амбулаторном лечении.

Eve is an elderly woman living alone at home. She likes to travel but can not do it much anymore, instead she often looks at her old pictures from locations around the world. She likes embroidery and cooking and gladly shares her patterns and recipes with others. Her son and daughter live with their own families quite far away and can not visit very often. If it wasn’t for dynamic groups Eve would be quite lonely, but the technology helps her keep in touch with both family and friends, and also supports her leisure activity.

Eve starts her day in the living room sofa with a cup of tea and a sandwich. The dynamic group system recognises this behaviour and connects to a breakfast group which shows up on the TV, according to the predefined rule. After breakfast she picks up her embroidery. The pattern she is using came as a recommendation from a discussion group on sowing and embroidery that Eve is in.

Time passes quickly and it is already lunchtime. Eve prepares some food and sits down to eat. The TV by the dinner table lights up and her son and daughter who are also eat- ing lunch joins from their own homes.

This afternoon Eve is going on a senior’s trip so there is much to prepare. She has already packed her camera and is planning to take plenty of pictures. The carer, who visits Eve daily, helps her set up a group consisting of friends and family to which she can send her pictures throughout her trip. On the afternoon when Eve enters the bus she is asked to join the travel group that is set up for all the participants on the senior’s trip. She touches a NFC tag (Near Field Communication) with her mobile device to join the group and automatically receives the schedule for the trip, which she can then read at her own pace.

A few questions regarding the activities on the trip, to which the travel guide has no answer, arise. The travel guide then searches for a guide at the final destination and invites this person to the group.

The guide joins the group and is able to answer the questions from the participants. During the long bus ride Eve also makes sure to search for people in the bus with an interest in embroidery and/or cooking, so she will have someone to talk to during down time.

The scenario describes a number of different uses for dynamic groups:

  • There is the private group which helped Eve organise contacts into a group which she can reuse over and over, for example by sending pictures throughout her trip. The members of a private group do not know of

each other, it is only for the creator to help organise contacts.

  • There is the protected group which is a closed group for people who know each other etc. It is possible to join this group by being present

when the group is created, or by being invited by someone who is already a member. Eve used a protected group to communicate with her son and daughter, and also for the travel group where she received information about her trip. A NFC tag could also be placed in the home of an elder, which would simplify for new carers, which could simply read the tag to form a group with the elder and then stay in contact.

  • Finally there is the public group which is open for anyone. It is possible

for anyone to search for this group based on information added about the group. Typically the creator or a number of assigned moderators will have moderation abilities for the group to keep it organised. Eve used a public group to find recommendations for embroidery patterns and cook- ing recipes.

In addition, Eve can search for other people based on a number of criteria, such as interest and competence, and invite them to a group. Eve used this functionality to find a person in the bus with interest in embroidery. This is one of the strengths with dynamic groups, along with the flexible group management system. It might be hard to picture an elderly woman using a computer to search for information, but the current generation will also grow old and might have different needs.

Далее, там какие-то псевдоархитектурные фантазии, на тему, как сделать иерархическое NoSQL-хранилище и язык запросов к нему (конечно же на XML). Ссылка проекта http://trail.ulster.ac.uk/HomeML/ сдохла.

Analysis of Social Networks & Group Dynamics from Electronic Communication

Социологи (с факультета компьютерсайнса) обнаружили, что можно анализировать емайл-переписку для анализа групп. А мужики-то не знали.

Покрутили Энроновский датасет, и коммуникацию в одной РПГ, дали интерпретацию найденному. Обобщенных моделей нет.

  1. Reto Grob, Michael Kuhn, Roger Wattenhofer, and Mar- tin Wirz . Cluestr: mobile social networking for en- hanced group communication. In GROUP ’09: Pro- ceedings of the ACM 2009 international conference on Sup- porting group work, pages 81–90, New York, NY, USA, 2009.
  2. Anupriya Ankolekar, Gabor Szabo, Yarun Luon, Bernardo A. Huberman, Dennis Wilkinson, and Fang Wu . Friendlee: a mobile application for your social life. In MobileHCI ’09: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interac- tion with Mobile Devices and Services, pages 1–4, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
  3. Antti Oulasvirta, Mika Raento, and Sauli Tiitta . Con- textContacts: re-designing SmartPhone’s contact book to support mobile awareness and collabo- ration. In MobileHCI ’05: Proceedings of the 7th inter- national conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices & services, pages 167–174, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM.
  4. Ido Guy, Michal Jacovi, Elad Shahar, Noga Meshulam, Vladimir Soroka, and Stephen Farrell . Harvesting with SONAR: the value of aggregating social network information. In CHI ’08: Proceeding of the twenty- sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in com- puting systems, pages 1017–1026, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM.