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| === 2020-11 === | | === 2020-11 === |
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| + | * 2020-11-05, 04:03:07: [https://github.com/City-of-Helsinki/django-orghierarchy City-of-Helsinki/django-orghierarchy: Reusable Django application for hierarchical organizations] |
| + | *: <html><pre><code> "https://api.hel.fi/paatos/v1/organization/" </code></pre> <p>You may give the organization data source a specific id to correspond to your own data source model ids in your project:</p> <pre><code>python manage.py import_organizations "https://api.hel.fi/paatos/v1/organization/" -s original_id:imported_id </code></pre> <p>Otherwise, the data source id in the original API is used for the imported organizations (<code>helsinki</code> in the Helsinki API).</p> <h1><a id="user-content-development" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true" href="https://github.com/City-of-Helsinki/#development"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true"></svg></a></h1></html> |
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| * 2020-11-05, 03:08:29: [https://habr.com/ru/post/524622/?utm_campaign=524622&utm_source=habrahabr&utm_medium=rss Храним секреты в Linux: JWT аутентификация в CLI приложении на Python / Хабр] | | * 2020-11-05, 03:08:29: [https://habr.com/ru/post/524622/?utm_campaign=524622&utm_source=habrahabr&utm_medium=rss Храним секреты в Linux: JWT аутентификация в CLI приложении на Python / Хабр] |
| * 2020-11-05, 02:23:09: [https://djangopackages.org/grids/g/perms/ Django Packages : Permissions] | | * 2020-11-05, 02:23:09: [https://djangopackages.org/grids/g/perms/ Django Packages : Permissions] |